Play Video about support rigs for camera operators
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Toby Birney

Director of Photography / Camera Operator

“I am now over 8 months in with my steadygum and I can say, without a doubt, that it is now one of the most important and essential pieces of gear that I own. Even my chiropractor is amazed at my posture and general well-being compared to where I’ve been for the best part of the last decade or more. Those nagging chronic pains that were always just an unfortunate side effect of doing handheld work for hours on end, day after day, have been all but eliminated. The SteadyGum perfectly and evenly distributes the weight of my 27lb camera rig, and it is substantially more comfortable than any other support rig that I have ever tried in my career. I cannot recommend this piece of gear highly enough to any and all camera operators out there.”

Guy Thompson

Freelance Filmmaker. Media / News Company
“Still the best piece of functional kit I’ve invested in, steadyGum is an innovative breakthrough for the cameramen/woman that reduces their physical exertion on the skeletal joints by 80%. Steadygum is an intuitive, light and easy to use. I’ve filmed in many difficult filming situations using it and it’s been a game changer absorbing most of the rigs weight.”
Christopher Loren

Christopher Loren

Director of Photography / Filmmaker

“I´m excited to share my enthusiasm for this bit of kit. Carrying a 25lb camera on my shoulder for may years has left me (and many ops) with chronic shoulder issues. I´m plugged by right shoulder impingement wich has me in physical theraphy for months. At the end of a long day it leaves me right arm useless. This support rig was designed by a Spanish camera op. and used a monopod and a heavy duty elastic bands to support the camera and distribuite the weight to your left shoulder. I´m only a few hours in with it but it´s already night and day to traditional shoulder mounted operating.
Highly recommend this kit!”

Sean M. Byrd

Sean M. Byrd

Freelance Photojournalist

“Shot some of chargers NFL football practice with our new Sports toy the SteadyGum camera strap. I must say it works awesome. Alleviates the weight, good balance and makes the camera more an addition to your body.”

Lance Lowrie

Lance Lowrie

Freelancer photographer / Camera Operator

“I bought your product at the beginning of the season 33 of The Real World show and it has been wonderful. When I get home at the end of the day I no longer need to ice my back and shoulder. My shooting has also improved greatly because I no longer have to deal with the pain of being shouldered up for a long run without a break.  
Love the SteadyGum!”

Sami Myllys

Freelance Cinematographer / Independent Filmmaker

“Most of my work involves news and documentary-style reality productions, where on-shoulder camera operation is mainly used. I have tested different kinds of camera support systems over the past 15 years, but I have found them to be too complicated for quick situations. My colleague introduced me to SteadyGum, and I was able to test it in a live production. I was immediately sold. Since then, I have used mine on an almost daily basis with both the Sony FX9 and Panasonic P2 ENG camera. SteadyGum not only saves my back and shoulder, but it also provides much more stable footage. Many times, I haven’t even needed a tripod when using SteadyGum for longer interviews. This is by far one of the best camera gear purchases I have ever made, and I have made plenty of them.”